We are proud to announce that our most requested feature is finally done. Actually we implemented a tool which could help any property management company easily build their own booking website with functionality similar to booking.com or expedia.

Here is some key features:
- Completely customizable look and feel
- All property descriptive content and photos manageable via PMS
- Properties could be located in different cities, states, countries, region or continent thus we could build regional booking portal for example for San-Francisco Bay Area only or for entire California or for entire World.
- Booker could login to the system and update/cancel his booking, print confirmation, view history of bookings, book again
- Multicurrency (updating exchange rate automatically on daily basis)
- Multilanguage – currently MPIBE translated to English, German and Russian. Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Thai and Simple Chinese coming soon
- Ability to sell packages, extras and transfers along with accommodation
- Manageable text pages, could be in any language. So in theory you could just drop your website and use just MPIBE to manage all their web presence
- Multi-Property Internet Booking Engine could work on any domain
- Every hotel in the chain could have its own domain
- Search Engines Friendly