+ Due to an urgent request we have added a notification about the security deposit and its amount to the second and third steps of the Online Booking Module. So potential guests will be able to see what exactly will be charged and how it’ll be reflected in the credit card billing statement.
+ List of actions stored in the action log report was expanded. Additionally all system actions were categorized and its output was colorized, so now it’s much easier to find certain actions taken by a particular system user e.g. in last month.
+ An ability to see the number of available units on the category lever was added to reservation board. So now there is no need to expand a category to check now many rooms are not occupied on the date.

+ The information about the triggered pricing rule is now available on the reservation board in the pricing box.
+ An ability to roll-back reservations automatically marked as “No-show” was added to reservation details. Also the time when reservation will be automatically marked as “No-show” now is an option in the system settings.
+ Due to interest from current and potential partners we built a first version of extranet for resellers and partners. It gives ability to manage their domains, registrations, clients, payments and customization. If you would like to become a partner or reseller please feel free to contact us.
+ Many DB queries were optimized, so now the system should work even faster. Also a bunch of small issues was resolved.