+ Ability to setup your own guest types is now available. So now you could setup separate prices for accommodation or addition charges based on the type of the guest.

+ Now, in case when you need to offer two or more connected rooms as a large suite you could create Virtual Units. Also this feature could be used if you would like to offer entire hotel at once. Virtual units are fully integrated with Online Booking module and Channel Management module.

+ Based on feedback from our customers we improved look and feel of the Guest Folio section. Now it’s horizontally split and size of the bottom section is adjustable. Also we redesigned filters and added some new fields to give better access to useful data.

+ Due to number of requests Reports were expanded by totals. Also we have added ability to select separator for decimals.
+ Context menu was added to Reservation Board. It gives a quick access to reservation details, guest folio, check-in, check-out and allows you to combine reservations to the group.
+ Added ability to setup no check-in and no check-out days of the week (per season).
+ Minstay and Maxstay currently could be setup per season.

+ Ability to setup rounding rules was added.
+ Check-in section was expanded. Now the system will warn and suggest to recalculate reservation price in case when you are trying to check-in more guests than it was initially reserved. Also we have added ability to roll-back check-in.
+ New fields in Guest Registration Card were added.