What's New

+ The goal of all properties is to reach one hundred percent occupancy on high demand days and not to undersell the property simply because of cancellations and no-shows. We have added overbooking management which helps to sell more rooms than are available during a peak period in order to get closer to 100% occupancy.

+ It’s very important to get feedback from your guests. Now it only takes a few moments to reach out to recent visitors with a customized request for a review. You can personalize the message and let guests know that their feedback is valuable to you. Colibri sends an automatic follow-up email with a Write a Review link to make it easy for guests to respond. After review submitted guest will be redirected to your Internet Booking Engine.

+ Our new Sales by Country report will help your marketing department to understand better who your customer is and how to make him even happier.

+ Finally we improved speed of the Reservation Board and List of Reservations and fixed couple dozens of small issues.