How to connect your property on Colibri with Expedia

147 views July 21, 2016 July 21, 2016 korzhkov 0

If you have no contract with Expedia you can create new listing on Expedia website.

If your property is already set on Colibri and you already have a signed contract with Expedia then just make following steps:

  1. Download attached Expedia Quick Connect Enrollment Form
  2. Type in your property details in to the section A and send it to Expedia via email or fax as mentioned in the header of the document. Usually it takes 2-3 days until connection enabled and Expedia contacted us and provided your username and password for their API.
  3. When we received your username and password for Expedia API we will map your room categories and rates and will let you know via email when it’s done. Normally it takes just few hours.
  4. Once you received confirmation from Colibri that rates and rooms mapped and that inventory, rates and restrictions are synced, you should sign in to your Expedia extranet and check that rates and restrictions are correct for all room categories and availability are in sync with PMS
  5. Make a test booking of your hotel and make sure that your test reservation appeared in PMS. Validate that all information was captured fully and correctly. Try update and cancel. If there any problems immediately contact Colibri via
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1 .doc 73.50 KB Expedia_Quickconnect_Enrollment_From.doc

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