Step by step instructions how to connect your property on Colibri with TripAdvisor

111 views October 27, 2016 korzhkov 0

First of all we assume that your property is already up and running on Colibri and that your property is already listed on TripAdvisor. If you have no tripadvisor listing yet please start with that and then when it’s done get back to Colibri

Since TripConnect sends bookers to our internet booking engine it’s a must to load descriptive content and photos of your property. If you already have multi-property internet booking engine enabled for your property then you just need to jump to point #9 below.

  1. Enter descriptive content for your property in Settings → Manage Properties → edit property → Online Booking tab
  2. Enter property amenities in Settings → Manage Properties → edit property → Property OTA codes tab
  3. Load photos of your property in Settings → Manage Properties → Edit property → Online Booking tab → Organize photos
  4. Assign property pictures to room categories
  5. Enter descriptive content for all room categories in Settings → Manage Properties → edit category → Online Booking tab
  6. Enter room category amenities in Settings → Manage Properties → edit category → Category OTA codes tab
  7. Contact us and request to enable listing for your property. Please include a link to your property page on TripAdvisor (we will grab property ID from there)
  8. Once points above are done we will enable listing for your property and validate how that look
  9. We will enable TripAdvisor integration when your listing is enabled and validated
  10. In about 48 hours you will be prompted by TripAdvisor to enable TripConnect or Instant Booking programs. Please note, that sometimes TripAdvisor is unable to match your property in their DB. In this case contact us and we will contact TripAdvisor connectivity team to resolve the problem.

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